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[PRNewswire] Ban Ki-moon: Looking to the future and hoping for more Chinese

등록일 2019.10.24 조회수3273
[PRNewswire] Ban Ki-moon: Looking to the future and hoping for more Chinese
contributions to surmount challenges facing humanity

(BEIJING, Oct. 24, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) A report from

Editor's note: Ban Ki-moon, chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia and former secretary-general of the United Nations, extended his congratulations to the Chinese people in a letter to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

I paid my first visit to China eight years after China and the Republic of Korea formally established diplomatic relations. Since then, along with my visits to different parts of China, I gradually understood the country, and felt with my heart the splendid culture of this land. As this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, I hereby extend my sincere congratulations to the Chinese people. Over the past seven decades, they have made great contributions to global peace and development through hard work. Such a remarkable achievement is undeniable.

I've always attached great importance to sustainable development. In 2000, the United Nations established the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), calling every member state to reduce extreme poverty rates by half before 2015. China has been actively participating in the international poverty reduction undertakings, and became the first member state to achieve the MDGs. Its success has provided valuable experience to other developing countries, and contributed to the progress of global poverty alleviation. As President Xi Jinping once noted, 40 years ago, China unfolded a great journey of reform and opening-up, and at the same time started the largest scale of poverty reduction process in human history. This is extraordinary, and has created a miracle in human poverty reduction history.

The Chinese government developed the concept of green development. In the past few years, China's air quality has been improved by almost 50%, which has ranked among the highest by UN standards. Chinese leaders are visionary in regard to environmental governance, paying great attention to the consistency of policies. This provides useful reference for other countries.

In addition, China has also contributed to the adoption of the Paris Agreement's implementation guidelines. In regard to global challenges such as climate change, we must face up to reality and the future, enhancing mutual trust and calling for joint responses from countries around the world. In mankind's quest for development and progress, we must value our promises, staying resolute in our commitment to sustainability. In this process, China's active participation has added strong momentum to the international community's joint efforts to deal with global challenges.

China's reform and opening-up have been highly recognized by government officials and scholars around the world. Since the introduction of reform and opening up, China has become the world's second largest economy, playing an increasingly crucial role in international affairs. Through the Belt and Road Initiative, China has been strengthening regional economic cooperation, promoting international relations based on win-win cooperation, and building a community with a shared future for mankind. These examples of Chinese approaches and Chinese wisdom have been included in UN resolutions, and supported by more and more countries.

I was elected the Chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) in 2018. While affirming BFA's achievement in promoting the open and innovative development of Asia as well as the harmonious co-existence of the global community, I've also realized the need to raise the voice of globalization and free trade in today's world. Playing a leading role in this matter, China has upheld multilateralism and brought down its overall tariff levels, thereby creating opportunities as well as sharing benefits with other countries. Not a single country is isolated in our inter-connected global village, thus, we must join hands and cooperate with each other to achieve further development. China's new round of opening up has rekindled confidence in the world's economy, which is now at a crossroads.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. Taking this opportunity, I want to extend my congratulations to China on its remarkable economic and social development. I'd like to acknowledge China's adherence to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, as well as its constructive role in global affairs. I also wish to express my heartfelt thanks to China for its efforts and commitment to global issues, and I look forward to seeing more contributions from China to surmount challenges facing humanity.


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