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[PRNewswire] The Open Compute Project (OCP) announces the launch of its first

등록일 2021.11.10 조회수550
[PRNewswire] The Open Compute Project (OCP) announces the launch of its first
OCP Experience Center in Southeast Asia

(SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 10, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Singapore will now be home to the first OCP Experience Center in Southeast Asia. Several OCP Community members have come together to create a hands-on environment to see, evaluate and learn about OCP Accepted™ and OCP Inspired™ hardware in a facility that is OCP Ready™ certified.

Hosted in Princeton Digital Group's (PDG) SG1 facility in Singapore, the aim of this Experience Center is to share industry-wide best practices from the OCP Community for data center and server technology with Singapore enterprises. It will provide a space for strategic discussions and engagement into ways to accelerate transformation toward a highly-efficient, OCP-optimized infrastructure.

Participating OCP members include:

- Princeton Digital Group (PDG) - host and certified OCP Ready™ data center
- Rittal - OCP Platinum member and leading supplier of OCP Open Racks
- Edgecore Networks - OCP Platinum member and leading contributor of OCP networking switches
- Murata Manufacturing - OCP Community member and supplier of power systems
- MiTAC - OCP Platinum member and supplier of OCP compute and storage servers
- Wiwynn - OCP Platinum member and supplier of OCP compute and storage servers
- Samsung - OCP Gold member and supplier of SSD's
- Open Computing Singapore - OCP Community member and distributor of OCP solutions

The Experience Center will showcase an Open Rack provided by Rittal containing OCP Accepted™ Tioga Pass servers from MiTAC and Wiwynn, Edgecore OCP Accepted™ network switches and a Murata power shelf. The Community will also use this Experience Center to host various OCP related activities, including hardware engineering and sustainability workshops, data center design sessions as well as various open source training courses.

"Princeton Digital Group is excited about the collaboration with OCP to launch Asia's first OCP Experience Centre in our SG1 facility. As an OCP Community member, PDG's SG1 data center is also the first OCP Ready™ facility in Singapore as a recognized OCP Colo Solution Provider™. We look forward to engaging and sharing with visitors the open-sourced designs and OCP's latest innovations here at our SG1, and promote the growth of OCP across Singapore and the Asia Pacific region," said Asher Ling, PDG's Managing Director for Singapore.

"The creation of the OCP Experience Center in Singapore is a great example of the power of a community. Over the past year the local OCP members focused on a vision of bringing hyperscale innovation of OCP hardware designs to Singapore enterprises. The collaboration in the region has been outstanding and the Foundation appreciates the hard work of our members and their contributions in making this Experience Center a reality. We now have a place where companies of all sizes can view, test and deploy OCP hardware in Singapore," said Steve Helvie, VP of Channel, OCP.

This is just the beginning as we expect the center to grow as more members join and showcase their OCP solutions. The center is open to visitors from across the IT ecosystem, including end-user and public sector organizations, suppliers, vendors as well as systems integrators.

Click here to view a brief video about the OCP Experience Center in Singapore: OCP Experience Center Video [ ].

We encourage anyone in the region who is interested in OCP to schedule a time to visit by contacting

About the Open Compute Project Foundation
The Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP) was initiated in 2011 with a mission to apply the benefits of open source and open collaboration to hardware and rapidly increase the pace of innovation in, near and around the data center's networking equipment, general purpose and GPU servers, storage devices and appliances, and scalable rack designs. OCP's collaboration model is being applied beyond the data center, helping to advance the telecom industry & EDGE infrastructure.

Media Contact:
Dirk Van Slyke

Photo -
Princeton Digital Group's (PDG) SG1 facility in Singapore, featuring Southeast Asia's first OCP Experience Center.

Logo -
Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP)

Source: Open Compute Project Foundation

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료