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Wuyuan's Shicheng Village Sets Up New Routes for Visitors as

등록일 2016.10.31 조회수4327
Wuyuan's Shicheng Village Sets Up New Routes for Visitors as
Fall Foliage Reaches Peak Season

[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.

(WUYUAN, China, Oct. 31, 2016 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) To present visitors a better viewing experience this year, Jiangxi Wuyuan Tourism Co., Ltd. has been renovating the walking trails around Shicheng Village, one of the prime viewing locations of maple leaves in Wuyuan County China as the peak season of this year's fall foliage is expected to arrive in early November.

The route is designed to broaden the existing paths and connect people to more viewing and photo opportunities. New observation decks have been built in open areas and old ones repaired and secured as the bright yet brief fall colors begin to splash on the mountains and valleys of Shicheng Village.

Shicheng, which translates into "stone city" for its rock walls at the entrance of the village, is best known for its ancient Hui-style architecture, mysterious fog and hundreds of tall maple trees. The elegant black and white houses unevenly dotted over the hills also add to the unique scenery that blends together the peace of country life and the serenity of the landscape.

A recommended location for appreciating the fall foliage is the 10-kilometer-long old post road on the east side of Shicheng Village, as the bluish grey quartzite-paved road nicely contrasts the radiant maple forests on both sides.

"In China 'Shuang Jiang', the first frost, symbolizes the colder weather in late autumn," said Bin Zhan, brand manager of Jiangxi Wuyuan Tourism Co. Ltd. "The maple trees in Shicheng start turning red towards the end of October every year, but the visually stunning scenery only lasts a month."

About Wuyuan
Wuyuan County, located on the northeastern tip of Jiangxi Province, is known for its one-of-a-kind mountain landscape. It is also home to the most well-preserved ancient Hui-style architecture. Some of the most beautiful countryside in China, Wuyuan attracts photographers from around the world every year to document not only the natural scenery, but also the unique farming culture and folk traditions.

For more information on visiting Wuyuan to view the fall foliage, please check out the official WeChat of Wuyuan Tourism (ourwuyuan) or visit its official website

Photo -
Shicheng Village (the stone city), one of the prime viewing locations of maple foliage in Wuyuan County, China, is embracing the peak season of this year’s fall foliage expected to arrive in early November and last through mid-December

Source: Jiangxi Wuyuan Tourism Co., Ltd.

출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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