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California Greenhouse Gases Cut More Than 2.3 Million Pounds by

등록일 2017.01.17 조회수4149
California Greenhouse Gases Cut More Than 2.3 Million Pounds by
Fuel-Cell Cars Powered by True Zero's Hydrogen Network -- the Equivalent to Planting a Forest Nine Times the Size of Disneyland

-- True Zero Displays the Positive Impacts of Driving on Hydrogen at its Charging Stations

[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.

(IRVINE, California, Jan. 16, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Fuel from True Zero's hydrogen-charging stations during 2016 powered more than 3.7 million zero emission fuel-cell-car miles in California, eliminating more than 2.3 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, the company announced today.

"That's the greenhouse-gas equivalent of planting a forest nine times the size of Disneyland," explained Joel Ewanick, CEO of FirstElement Fuel, True Zero's parent, which is based here.

To help car owners and others understand the benefits of driving on hydrogen, True Zero will post labels at its hydrogen charging stations showing the societal-impacts of driving a hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle.

Already serving an estimated 1,200 fuel-cell vehicles and growing, the company will give its customers and others clear information about the resources they are consuming and how they are helping the environment by posting a new Analysis Label, like the ingredients label on the back of food packaging.

"We got into this business to make a positive impact on the world," said Ewanick. "Our customers are making a difference with every mile they drive. It's exciting to see such substantial benefits so early on, and we want to help tell that story."

The Sustainability Analysis Label show the entire lifecycle impacts of various vehicle fuels based on the Argonne National Labs GREET model. Driving on True Zero hydrogen reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60 percent compared to a typical gasoline-powered car. About one third of True Zero hydrogen is currently sourced from renewables, with that percentage expected to grow.

Two of True Zero's charging stations provide hydrogen sourced from 100 percent renewable feedstock, which slashes greenhouse gas emissions by 93 percent compared to a typical gasoline-powered car. The company has set an ambitious target to source all of its hydrogen from 100 percent renewables by 2023.

The number of fuel cell cars on California roads increased dramatically during 2016 and is expected to more than quadruple during 2017. Toyota began in late 2015 retailing its hydrogen-powered Mirai in California, and in December 2016 Honda introduced its next-generation Honda Clarity, also powered by hydrogen. Other automakers, namely Hyundai and Mercedes-Benz, are also leasing fuel cell cars in the state.

True Zero currently owns and operates 16 hydrogen-charging stations in California and is in the process of building three additional stations to complete the first phase of its retail network. The company will start building the second phase of its network this year with larger facilities which can serve more customers per station to keep up with the faster-than-expected demand that is happening on California roads.

"We're already seeing far more growth than we expected during the first phase of our hydrogen network," said Ewanick. "To keep up with demand and help automakers sell more fuel-cell cars, our future stations have to be larger and able to charge up multiple cars at the same time."

Charging a fuel-cell vehicle with hydrogen takes less than five minutes, but even so several of True Zero's stations are already beginning to experience lines and wait times during the busiest hours of the day.

The California Energy Commission, South Coast AQMD and Bay Area AQMD, which have ambitious goals to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases in the State, provided grants to True Zero for the first phase of its hydrogen network. The company also obtained financing from Toyota and Honda to help accelerate and grow its California hydrogen network.

True Zero will display the following sustainability labels at each of its hydrogen charging stations to provide customers with information about the Societal Impacts of driving with hydrogen

True Zero sources the hydrogen at this station from 100% renewable feedstock
Sustainability Analysis
Hydrogen at this station - Fuel Cell EV* // Gasoline - Internal Combustion Engine // Battery EV Today (California Grid)
Energy Sources
Petroleum // 0.1% // 79.6% // 0.4%
Natural Gas // 12.0% // 13.5% // 66.3%
Coal // 1.3% // 0.4% // 7.6%
Renewable // 86.6% // 6.5% // 25.7%
GHGs // 62 grams/mile // 412 grams/mile // 117 grams/mile
Tailpipe Emissions // Pure Water // VOC, CO, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, Sox, CH4, N2O // None
*While the hydrogen at this station is sourced from 100% renewable feedstocks, we use a small percentage of non-renewable energy for delivery and on-site processing.

Sustainability Analysis
Hydrogen at this station - Fuel Cell EV // Future Hydrogen - Fuel Cell EV* // Gasoline - Internal Combustion Engine // Battery EV Today (California Grid)
Energy Sources
Petroleum // 1.2% // 0.1% // 79.6% // 0.4%
Natural Gas // 64.1% // 9.7% // 13.5% // 66.3%
Coal // 1.1% // 1.1% // 0.4% // 7.6%
Renewable // 3.6% // 89.1% // 6.5% // 25.7%
GHGs // 158 grams/mile // 28 grams/mile // 412 grams/mile // 117 grams/mile
Tailpipe Emissions // Pure Water // Pure Water // VOC, CO, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, Sox, CH4, N2O // None
*True Zero's target is to sell 100% renewable hydrogen in 5 years. However, we expect to still need to utilize a small percentage of non-renewable energy for delivery and on-site processing.

Source: True Zero

출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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